How People Realized They Fell in Love With the Wrong Person

Sometimes, we realize that we’re in a relationship that isn’t right for us. It can be hard to see the truth and let go, but certain moments make it clear that we’re with the wrong person. Here’s a story from one person who had that realization.

The Story:

We were getting dressed for a friend’s wedding. I was in the best shape of my life and felt confident, thinking I looked good. My wife was finishing her makeup, and I told her she looked beautiful. I waited for her to say something nice back, but she didn’t. At that moment, it hit me—I couldn’t remember a single time she had complimented my appearance.

So I said, “I always tell you how beautiful you are, but I don’t think you’ve ever told me I look good or handsome.” She rolled her eyes and kept doing her makeup. Then, I made the mistake of asking, “Do you find me attractive?” She flatly said, “No.”

Shocked, I asked, “Why did you marry me then?” and she replied, “I didn’t think it was important at the time.” In that moment, I had never felt so ugly and unloved, especially because just moments earlier, I had felt good about myself for the first time in a long while.

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