Young man walks 20 miles to get to his new job- the company’s CEO gives him a new car

They say that determination and hard work always pay off, and the story of Walter Carr, a young man who wouldn’t let anything stay on his way to a successful first day on his new job, is just another proof of that.

Namely, Walter got hired by Bellhops, a moving company. He was looking forward to this new chapter of his life, but the night before he was supposed to start working, his car broke down. Not wanting to miss his first day on the job, he decided to take a walk from his hometown of Homewood to Pelham, two cities 20 miles away from one another.

A few hours into his walk, Walter met an officer who asked him where he was going. The young man explained what was going on, and the officer was left in disbelief from what he heard. Of course, he then offered Walter a ride to the house he was supposed to be working at that day.

You can learn more of this story by checking out the video below.