Can You Remember What This Hole?

My husband and I flipped houses for a number of years, and we made some pretty wild discoveries when ripping apart old houses. Some of my favorite finds include a wad of old bills (many of which are actually fairly valuable now) hidden within a wall, and hundreds of old glass bottles from the Prohibition […]

18-year-old tragically dies weeks after collapsing at high school graduation

Despite struggling with severe cardiomyopathy and a recent heart failure diagnosis, Sienna Stewart managed to walk across the stage to receive her diploma, a moment her family will forever cherish. On her graduation day, Sienna suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness. Paramedics arrived quickly, and once she regained consciousness, she tearfully insisted on completing her walk […]

My Ex-husband’s New Wife Unexpectedly Contacted Me

When my ex-husband’s new wife reached out, old wounds reopened. Five years ago, my life shattered when Kevin, my husband, accidentally texted me instead of his mistress, saying, “I hate Bridget… She can’t even give me a baby.” Discovering his affair and resentment, we divorced, and I received half of everything, including becoming a silent […]