My Wife!

Husband: My wife is missing. She went shopping yesterday and has not come home! OFFICER: Age? Husband: I’m not sure. Around 40. We don’t do birthdays. OFFICER: Height? Husband: I’m not sure. A little over five-feet tall. OFFICER: Weight? Husband: Don’t know. Not slim, not really fat. OFFICER: Color of eyes? Husband: Sort of brown […]

You won’t be able to tell those unique identical triplets apart! They are now 8 years old and here is what they look like!

Becky and Liam’s remarkable tale began in 2015 when they welcomed three boys into their family, leaving experienced obstetricians bewildered. Initially believed to be identical twins, the delivering doctor proposed a test, which astonishingly revealed that the trio were, in fact, identical triplets—a phenomenon so rare that it occurs approximately once in 200 million births. […]