“Aunt Jemima’s” great-grandson angry that her legacy is being scrapped: “It’s injustice to my family”

Quaker Oats caused quite the stir in 2020 when it announced it would be retiring its “Aunt Jemima” brand in light of the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet just one day after said announcement, a great-grandson of “Aunt Jemima” protested the decision, stating the family’s belief that the move would stand only to erase black […]

Funny – Two nuns were shopping

Two nuns were shopping at a 7-11 store as they passed by the beer cooler, one nun said to the other, “wouldn’t a nice cool beer or two taste wonderful on a hot summer evening?” The second nun answered, “indeed it would, sister, but I would not feel comfortable buying beer. Since I am certain […]


James is alone in the bedroom when his beautiful wife opens the door and walks in. “James,” she whispers, “Take off my shirt.” “James,” she whispers, “Take off my bra.” “James,” she whispers, “Take off my skirt.” “James,” she whispers, “Take of my stockings.” “James,” she whispers, “Take off my panties.” “James!” she screams, “And […]

Nobody wanted to have anything to do with this girl… She grew up and here is how she looks as an adult…

Lizzie’s distinct appearance made her stand out from her peers. Her life took an unexpected turn as she was born prematurely and was later diagnosed with Wiedermann-Rautenstrauch syndrome, which made it incredibly challenging for her to gain weight. To cope with this condition, Lizzie had to consume food every 10 minutes, a routine that set […]