Funny – Two nuns were shopping

Two nuns were shopping at a 7-11 store as they passed by the beer cooler, one nun said to the other, “wouldn’t a nice cool beer or two taste wonderful on a hot summer evening?” The second nun answered, “indeed it would, sister, but I would not feel comfortable buying beer. Since I am certain […]


Sitting by the window of her convent, Sister Barbara opened a letter from home one evening. Inside the letter was a $100 bill her parents had sent. Sister Barbara smiled at the gesture. As she read the letter by the window, she noticed a shabbily dressed stranger. Quickly, she wrote, “Don’t despair. Sister Barbara,” on […]

An Old Woman Is Riding In An Elevator

An old woman is riding in an elevator in a very lavish New York City Building, when a young and beautiful woman gets into the elevator, smelling of expensive perfume. She turns to the old woman and says arrogantly, “Romance” by Ralph Lauren, $150 an ounce! “Then another young and beautiful woman gets on the […]

Funny – Cross The River

Three men are trying to cross a river. The first one prays and says, “Please give me the strength to cross this river.” Poof! He grows huge arms and legs and swims across the river. The second man prays and says, “Please give me the strength and ability to cross this river.” Poof! A rowboat […]

Meg Ryan: A Journey of Timeless Beauty

An Iconic Career Meg Ryan, best known for her captivating performance in the 1989 film “Harry and Sally,” has charmed audiences worldwide. Over the years, both her life and appearance have transformed, yet at 61 years old, she still radiates timeless beauty. Becoming a Superstar Meg Ryan’s rise to fame started with her unforgettable moment […]

She Found Her Daughter Without…

A mother was walking down the hall when she heard a humming sound coming from her daughter’s bedroom. When she opened the door she found her daughter without clothes on the bed with a vibrator. “What are you doing?” She exclaimed. The daughter replied, “I’m 35 and still living at home with my parents and […]