El Paso Judge Orders Texas To Release Illegal Aliens Accused Of Taking Part In Border Riot

An El Paso magistrate judge has ordered the release of illegal aliens who were detained in connection with a border entry point riot that overwhelmed Texas National Guard troops.

According to a report from the El Paso Times, the Easter Sunday order was handed down by Magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta during an online teleconference bond hearing. The judge accused the El Paso District Attorney’s office of not being ready to proceed with detention hearings for each defendant.

“It is the ruling of the court that all the rioting participation cases will be released on their own recognizance,” Acosta ruled.

The arrests were made by the Texas Department of Safety following a March 21 incident where a mob of illegal aliens tore down border fencing and assaulted Texas National Guard personnel as they tried to gain entry to the United States. The mob of mostly Venezuelan men overwhelmed National Guard troops in the Riverside area of El Paso’s lower valley.

Some members of the mob face charges of assault of a public servant for knocking down national guard personnel. The illegal aliens had sought to bypass Texas border security and instead surrender themselves to federal Border Patrol agents in hopes of having their asylum claims processed.

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