Ellen DeGeneres Recalls Being Victimized as a Kid by Her Stepfather

In David Letterman’s upcoming season of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, Ellen DeGeneres bravely recounts her experiences of sexual abuse as a teenager by her stepfather. She says, “her stepfather had done this horrible thing to her,” emphasizing the importance for other women to stand up against such injustices.

While her mother battled breast cancer, Ellen’s stepfather took advantage of her absence. He deceived Ellen under the pretense of comparing lumps in her mother’s breast. As he persisted, Ellen resorted to escaping through a window for safety.

After revealing the harrowing truth to her mother, Ellen faced another challenge. Her mother, for reasons including disbelief, stayed with the abuser for 18 more years. Ellen pointed out the prevalent issue: many victims remain unsupported, particularly against influential men.

Driven by her anger, Ellen aims to empower victims, expressing, “It is time for those wronged to reclaim control and influence over their lives.” By sharing her painful past, Ellen seeks to be a beacon of hope for others who’ve faced similar traumas.

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