Kind Stories

Some days, everything seems to go wrong. The cat starts crying in the middle of the night, an old lady says something mean to you on the street, or your boss finds a way to upset you. At times like this, only kind words and nice stories can help us remember that things will be okay.

The Story:
My baby boy spent too much time outside and had a tantrum in the supermarket. I was struggling to put the groceries on the belt, push the stroller, and hold my squirming son all at once. I was about to start crying myself. Then, a woman came up to me. I thought she was going to scold me, but instead, she said, “Let me help you.” I could only whisper, “Yes.” She calmly put the paid groceries in the stroller, pushed it out of the store, and even offered to take it to my house so I could carry my son in my arms. When I tried to thank her, she just said, “We’re all mothers, and we know how hard it can be sometimes.” If you are reading this, thank you again!

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