Dima, the child thrown by the

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Dima Kalekin from Ukraine doesn’t remember his biological parents. Born with hydrocephalus, his parents abandoned him at birth. He was raised in an orphanage for disabled children in Kramatorsk, where staff doubted he’d ever develop normally. By age four, Dima still couldn’t walk or eat with utensils, but he defied odds by surviving and learning a few words.

In 2014, the war in eastern Ukraine put Dima in grave danger. The orphanage was evacuated, and for a week, the children endured a lack of food, water, and medicine. Separatists eventually helped transfer them to Ukrainian authorities.

Later adopted, Dima underwent medical care and proved his resilience. Today, he continues to inspire with his strength and determination. A recent look at him shows a thriving, handsome young boy with a bright future.