As you get to be a man of my … maturity, you gain an extra appreciation for those of us who age gracefully. It comes with remembering how when you were in your early 20s you were doubling up on three meals a day trying to get your weight up, but now gain pounds breathing the air outside the Szechuan Palace. Or watching old movies and realizing that the rich, pompous old fat guy who everyone thinks is ridiculous was probably your age when it was filmed. Or maybe when your average viewing choice runs adds for that cane that stands up by itself and investing in silver.
The point being, we all hit a point where you realize that staying reasonably fit, healthy and mildly attractive is more of a challenge than it’s ever been. And when that time comes, it helps to look at those who are more or less in your age demo and are keeping it together. Not to resent them, but to use them as inspiration. Which brings me to Sofia Vergara, who is going to turn 50 in a matter of months.