Ethics Policy
Opposing Views is committed to the following ethical guidelines. We try to avoid conflicts of interest when reporting wherever possible. We do not accept gifts or special treatment from entities that we have reason to believe may be trying to influence our reporting or the stories we publish. This applies to private businesses / organizations, governments, government entities, and/or government officials. We do not take a partisan stance in our reporting and coverage of the news and maintain a commitment to being as objective as possible in our work. We strive to promptly correct errors that we discover or are brought to our attention. In the following sections, we elaborate on our corrections policy and our commitment to only publishing accurate information.
Fact Checking
We are committed to ensuring our stories contain only factual reporting of the news. Our editorial team cross-checks information contained in our articles against reputable sources and fact checking organizations to make sure all information we publish is accurate. If you believe information we have published is not factual or is inaccurate, please send an email to the following address:
Corrections – Articles
Clarifications and corrections should be clear and easy for the reader to understand. Anyone reading the correction should be able to see why the mistake has been corrected. We will always place clarifications and corrections at the bottom of articles we publish to our website.
Corrections – Social media
When inaccurate information is published on social media, Opposing Views should address it in a timely manner either by editing the original post to note the error or by publishing a new post acknowledging the error.
Take-down (“unpublish”) requests
As a matter of editorial policy, only those articles that have serious errors and show proof of libelous content, will be considered for “take-down”, and will be done so only after thorough investigation from the Opposing Views editorial team. It should be noted that we would prefer to correct an article rather than unpublish it.
How to bring an error to the notice of Opposing Views
If you believe information we have published is in need of correction, please send an email to the following address: Our editorial team will fact check the complaint in a timely manner to see if a correction is needed.