Hank Williams Jr. Visits His Mom’s Grave On Mother’s Day

Randall Hank Williams was born to the legendary Hank Williams and his wife, Audrey Williams, on May 26, 1949. He is known to us as Hank Williams Jr, and was…

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Remembering the scents of the 1970s

Hey there, buddy! Let’s take a trip down memory lane and discuss a YouTube video to kick your nostalgia into high gear. Remember the fascinating, unique smells of the 1970s?…

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We’ve all met teenagers who have attitude and love to push the buttons of grown adults. A story is going viral this week in which two teenage girls cop an…

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Wife Has Hilarious Response To Lazy Husband – Gives Him Epic Dose Of Karma

After being married for a long period of time, it can become easy to tune out our spouses and see any request they have of us as “nagging.” The husband…

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Cop Receives Note From 9-Year-Old Boy, Reads It, Jumps Out Of His Seat

Noah Smiling and his mother went to the local Denny’s for breakfast on a special day. It was the day when parents bring their kids to work, and it made…

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Try to spot all 5 words related to gardening hidden inside the picture. Can you spot all 5 words in 21 Seconds?

In this brain teaser, you need to spot all the five words hidden inside the picture where a family is gardening on a farm. Inside the picture, you can see…

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Only creative thinkers can see which string leads to banana in 7 seconds

The mind-boggling brain teaser shows an image of a banana attached to four strings and one needs to identify which string the fruit is actually attached to. The answer should…

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Two men were best friends for 60 years before learning they’re actually brothers

Walter McFarland and Alan Robinson met in the sixth grade and quickly became good friends. Each boy had his own “family mystery” about his past, which helped the two pre-teens…

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Homeowner leaves angry note on stranger’s windshield, their reply left her dumbfounded

While the holidays can be wonderful, this time of year also brings an added level of stress. After returning home, one woman found a stranger parked in her private spot….

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Blonde girl learns a lesson at school but Mom’s got a lesson of her own

One day a blonde came home from school and came to her mother and said, “Hey, Mommy! Mommy! Today in school we learned to count. The other kids could only…

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