Stories of Childfree People Who Need to Defend Their Lifestyle From the World

The child-free lifestyle has gained recognition in discussions over the past decade. Despite this, people who opt not to have kids still face criticism, and are often told they are making a mistake. Sometimes people take to social media to highlight the challenges they face because they’ve embraced a childfree lifestyle.

  • My husband is a collector of Lego sets and action figures and has a few toys and figures decorating his area at work. A customer saw his collection and said, “How can you afford all those?” He responded with a smile, “I have no children and disposable income!” The guy scoffed, rolled his eyes, and said, “Must be nice.” My husband just replied, “Yeah, it is nice!” My husband laughed about it, but it made me mad. Don’t get an attitude with someone because you’re jealous that they made different choices. It’s not his fault that you decided to have kids, and now you’re broke because of it. © SoCrazyItMustBeTrue / Reddit
  • I don’t know how many times my cousin asked us to look after her children while she went on a planned weekend away with her husband. We always said no. So on Friday they just dropped the kids off at the driveway and sent me a message saying that they’d be back on Sunday night to pick them up. I had the great pleasure of checking our porch cam, calling her back, and going, “Yeah, just checked the cams, they’re still sitting out the front. Dude, we’re in another town and won’t be back until Sunday afternoon, you better go back.” The conversation that followed involved the ridiculous requests that we could head back early and be home that afternoon, organize for someone else to look after them, or maybe find a flight.
    Absurd. The kids were there more than an hour and a half by the time their parents got back to them. I might not want kids but you just don’t do that. © AxeDentist / Reddit
  • So about a week ago, I went to my doctor and asked him for a recommendation to go to a gynecologist. I told him I wanted to have an operation because I didn’t want to have children. He just said, “You just wanna be selfish!” and laughed. © LadyJupitor / Reddit

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