Unemployed dad with face tattoo rejects 45 job offers since going viral with desperate work plea

Mark Cropp, a 19-year-old from New Zealand, made headlines when he pleaded for work despite having ‘DEVAST8’ tattooed across his face. His social media plea quickly garnered attention, leading to numerous job offers. However, he’s still waiting for the right opportunity to come along, especially since some jobs require him to have his own transportation.

Despite the attention, Cropp hasn’t started working yet. He plans to have his face tattoo removed soon, acknowledging its impact on his job prospects. The tattoo, done by his brother during a stint in jail, was meant to appear tough but became a source of regret.

Cropp reflects on his past, admitting to a history of violent behavior that led to his time in jail. The face tattoo, a reflection of his nickname ‘DEVAST8,’ was originally intended to be small but escalated after a night of drinking homemade brew. Now, he’s determined to move forward and leave his troubled past behind, starting with removing the tattoo.

While he regrets the tattoo, Cropp believes people shouldn’t be judged solely on their appearance. He hopes to turn his life around and be a source of support for his family. Laser therapy sessions to remove the tattoo are scheduled, marking a new chapter in Cropp’s journey post-jail.

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