A Blonde Decided She Wanted To Go Ice Fishing Until She Realized…

A blonde decided she wanted to go ice fishing. She even goes to the library and does research on how to do ice fishing. So, she goes to the sports store and buys everything needed for ice fishing.

Now, she’s sure she is ready. So, goes to a place where there is ice and starts drilling a hole for fishing. Suddenly she hears a voice coming from above.

The voice says there’s no fish under that ice.

She decides to go further out on the ice and starts drilling again. Again she hears the voice saying there’s no fish under the ice.

She doesn’t give up and moves down the ice again. Again she begins to drill but again hears the voice say there’s no fish under the ice.

Then the girl says “Is that you Lord? “



The voice replies saying no I’m the manager of the ice hockey rink.

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