Bill and Hillary Have Been Keeping A Secret About Their Marriage That Just Went Public

Bill and Hillary have been married since 1975 and they had one daughter, Chelsea, together. They have been a couple that has been active in politics for decades, even prior to Bill Clinton being elected president and his wife running for president in the previous 2016 election. Their lives have been filled with politics and scandals for many years, and people continue to talk about them.

Bill Clinton was a former Attorney General and Governor of the state of Arkansas and his scandals started back then. There were rumors of an affair and sexual harassment that surrounded a woman named Gennifer Flowers. She claimed that she had a 12 year affair with Clinton while he was in office in Arkansas. This scandal posed a variety of issues for him when he ran for president in 1992. He had always denied it, but finally acknowledged the affair in 1998.

There was another scandal to follow while he was president that would result in a Congressional Hearing. Monica Lewinsky claimed that she had been having an affair with the president while she was working as an intern in the White House. She said that the encounters with Clinton started in 1995. This was a huge scandal that involved other White House employees, including Linda Tripp and Ken Starr, tape-recorded conversations and a lot more. Clinton would ultimately admit to the infidelity saying that his definition of sexual relations was different from other peoples. This was centered around the act of oral sex between the two.

Now, a former Clinton employee is shedding more light on these situations. Mark Penn is a former pollster for Bill Clinton in the 1990’s while he was president and he then worked as a chief strategist during Hillary’s presidential campaign in 2016. He is coming out with a new book, ‘MicroTrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today’s Big Disruptions,’ where he delves into private information about the Clinton’s marriage.

Penn claims in his book that the Clinton’s have “at least a one-way open marriage” and he also bashes the campaign of Hillary during the election. He references a situation on a hit political drama, ‘House of Cards,’ where the fictional First Couple, Frank and Claire Underwood, have numerous sexual partners. In this show, it goes on to further show that there is one partner who stays in the White House.

It is difficult for anyone to verify these facts as true and who knows if they ever will be. It is difficult because who is anyone else to judge someone’s marriage. What is right for one person may not be right for someone else, but it is not our place to judge. What is wrong is sexual harassment.

This is a day an age when women are coming forward and being open about their experiences and the #MeToo movement has made great strides for women not having to keep their mouths shut in fear of retaliation. It gets muddled and difficult when it comes to women who knowingly enter into a consensual situation and then use it against the person. These are the type of situations that take away from the validity of the women who have been assaulted. It is a fine line and women need to be careful of their conduct just as much as men need to be careful of theirs.


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