Combine grated ginger, onion, garlic, lemon juice, and honey. Here’s how to prepare it

The flu, a common viral illness, manifests with various health symptoms and is typically treated with remedies and syrups readily available in pharmacies. While pharmacies offer a wide range of products aimed at alleviating symptoms like mucus and chest congestion, we’d like to introduce a simple natural alternative to address these issues. If you’re interested, […]

10 things my grandpa taught me

My grandpa, Don (my dad’s dad), passed away on Thursday. I think every single person who has ever met him would use the word gentleman to describe him. It’s impossible to try to convey the essence of a person in a short paragraph, but to me he was a strong oak tree of integrity and […]

Maturity of six year old boy

A 6 yr old boy was in the market with his 4 yr old sister. Suddenly the boy found that his sister was lagging behind. He stopped and looked back. His sister was standing in front of a toy shop and was watching something with great interest. The boy went back to her and asked, […]

What the hell was that for

A husband was sitting on the sofa one afternoon when his wife came up behind him and whacked him on the head. The husband asked ‘What the hell was that for?’ The wife replied ‘That’s for the slip of paper in your pocket with the name Laura Lou on it!’ Don’t worry’, said the husband, […]