We’ve all got these tiny openings in our skin for releasing sweat and oil, We’ve all got these tiny openings in our skin for releasing sweat and oil, but for some people, they can be more temperamental than others. Or, rather, clogged pores happen more often to some of us..


Skin signals offer vital clues to serious diseases, expediting treatment. “Persistent and severe rashes demand medical attention,” warns experts. Conditions like Addison’s disease can trigger sudden discoloration. Deadly infections like Lyell’s syndrome show as severe rashes, notably in adults with chickenpox. Chronic edema may point to hypothyroidism, exhibiting dry skin and hair loss. “New moles […]


Julie Andrews, at 88, finds happiness in music, with her Hamptons home filled with beloved show tunes. A friend describes her as embracing life’s simple joys, from laughter to fresh flowers. Recently, on her birthday, she smiled warmly while picking flowers at the farmers market. Reflecting on her iconic role as Mary Poppins, Julie Andrews […]


Former President Donald Trump released a brief health report from his doctor, Dr. Bruce Aronwald, claiming his health is “excellent” and mentioning weight loss due to an “improved diet” and daily exercise. In the past, Trump’s doctors made vague claims about his health, including hyperbolic statements like being the “healthiest individual ever elected to the […]

King Charles’s funeral plans being updated in light of cancer treatment – ‘It’s not good,’ claims insider

King Charles III is revising his funeral plans following a cancer diagnosis, discovered during treatment for an enlarged prostate. Despite continuing state duties amid regular treatments, insider reports suggest his health is more serious than publicly known. This has prompted updates to ‘Operation Menai Bridge,’ the protocol for his funeral, similar to the plans following […]

Dr. Phil Ends His Legendary Television Show

End of an Era: After a remarkable two-decade run, the renowned television show featuring Dr. Phil McGraw is drawing to a close. Dr. Phil announced in 2018 that the show would conclude after the 2022-2023 season, capping off 21 years of success on TV. Despite stepping out of the limelight, Dr. Phil remains driven by […]

Squeeze Acne

Four main factors cause acne: Excess oil (sebum) production,Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells,Bacteria,Inflammation.Acne typically appears on your face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders because these areas of skin have the most oil (sebaceous) glands. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands.The follicle wall may bulge and produce a whitehead. Or […]


Former US president Jimmy Carter discontinued medical treatment and entered hospice care. The 98-year-old would be transferred to a hospice after “a succession of brief hospital stays,” according to a statement released by the Carter Center. “Former US President Jimmy Carter chose to spend his final days at home with his family today and accept […]