Do You Have an ‘M’ On Your Palm?

Throughout time and history there have been a number of different ways in which people have tried to determine the future and see what it held in store for them. Mankind has always been fascinated with the concept of being able to glimpse into the future. In fact, that’s one of the major driving forces behind everything from time travel machines to gazing into crystal balls!

One of the more widespread, universal, and individually centered methods of tapping into our fate and destiny was developed around the attributes which can be found on our own two hands. The ancient art of palmistry, or palm reading, has long been regarded as an excellent way to lay bare what’s to come in your life.

Even if you don’t believe in things of this nature, the fact that palmistry has managed to endure for thousands of years is a testament to its perceived accuracy. Plus, you don’t need to be a professional palm reader in order to do it, anyone can read their own hands if they know what to look for!

Palmistry itself is centered around the belief that the lines and indentations on a persons hands and palms can be interpreted to reveal different aspects about their life. Some markings indicate personality traits, strengths or weaknesses, and other specific characteristics, while other lines reveal our destiny and what is likely to come in our lives.

In particular, one specific line that people often wonder about is the appearance of the letter “M” on the palm of the hand. The letter comes into formation by the appearance of several other major lines, those being mainly the heart, head, and life lines.

Not all people have a clearly defined “M” on their hands, it’s actually kind of rare and those whose palms are marked with one are said to be special. They will be blessed with good fortune in their lives and will experience success in whatever they endeavor to do.

They are seen as gifted and intuitive individuals with brains and intelligence to match. As such, they will thrive in the careers they choose because they are also disciplined and have a strong sense of self-motivation. Furthermore, people whose palms have the letter M are masters at seeing through deception.

Not much gets past them and they almost always figure out if someone is lying, cheating, or being less than honest. In the end, the letter M has long been associated with both the traits mentioned above and the following qualities; leadership, good fortune, riches, power, and success.

Do you have an ‘M’ on your palm? Let us know and WATCH the VIDEO below for the full meaning:

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